2024: Colour of the Year

2024 marks the 25th anniversary of the Pantone Color Institute's "Color of the Year" program. And this time around the colour is – Peach Fuzz. Pantone explains that "the color is one whose warm and welcoming embrace conveys a message of compassion and whose cozy sensibility brings people together and enriches the soul." In other words, it was time for a warm and fuzzy colour.

In an interview with TIME Magazine, Leatrice Eiseman, Pantone's Executive Director, commented, "We've been living in this time of turmoil in many aspects of our lives, and as a result of that, our need for nurturing, empathy, and compassion continues to grow stronger as we imagine a more peaceful future."

Peach Fuzz is a safe choice, one of the more bland "colours of the year" in recent memory. In my opinion, it’s worthy of being in a supporting role, but, it’s no lead character. Time will tell if the design community fully adopts Pantone’s latest recommendation.

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