Lima's Crosswalks


Peru’s capital city Lima has some crazy drivers. They cruise at night without using their headlights, run red lights and, on occasion, use sidewalks as passing lanes. Several years ago, in attempt to calm motorists, the city painted colourful crosswalk designs at a number of their more dangerous intersections. The attention-grabbing patterns worked – drivers slowed down. Thanks to this creative solution, pedestrians were, once again, safe to cross the streets. Then one night, in June of 2018, the innovative designs disappeared. Every single colourful crosswalk was painted over. The mayor’s office announced that the designs contravened Lima’s traffic code, saying they caused “confusion" and “risks” for both drivers and pedestrians alike. Many people feel that the mayor, buckling under pressure from irate automobile owners, choose to keep the drivers happy, foregoing the safety of those travelling on foot.

