Hot Chocolate


Can your sense of taste be influenced by colour? In a study undertaken by researchers at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain) and Oxford University (UK) it appears that the flavour of hot chocolate can be swayed by the colour of the mug it is served in. It was found that people felt the taste of the drink was enhanced when served in either a cream or orange coloured mug. White and red mugs did not fair as well. Researcher Betina Piqueras-Fiszman says, "There is no fixed rule stating that flavor and aroma are enhanced in a cup of a certain color or shade. In reality this varies depending on the type of food, but the truth is that, as this effect occurs, more attention should be paid to the color of the container as it has more potential than one could imagine.” Like the colours used for the interiors of fast food restaurants or in food packaging, colour can influence everything from a person’s mood, to the length of their stay and to the taste sensations they experience.

Greyellowhite #39

Ben Nicholson