Happy Street


What happens when a walkway beneath a railway bridge becomes too intimidating for pedestrians to use? You call Yinka Ilori, a London-based artist and designer. After consulting with the local school children who use the walkway, he developed a solution called Happy Street. This once “forbidding environment” is now clad with 56 colourful enamel panels, chosen for their affordability and durability. “The most important part of the project,” says Yinka, “was talking to the community, especially the young children and seeing the smiles on their faces when they walk under the bridge has been magical.” The tunnel-like thoroughfare has been transformed into an energetic exhibition of colour and pattern, one that invites people to venture forward. Yinka sees his work as being quite humorous and knows from experience that the vibrant colours he incorporates into his projects will help put people at ease.


Ben Nicholson
