Suicides & Blue Light


Japan has been battling a high rate of suicide for years. In 2013 alone, 27,195 people took their own lives. Experts have determined that 90% of all suicides in Japan are due to four major factors: health issues, financial woes, complications at home and workplace disputes.

Suicides attempts occur in many locations and Japanese railway stations appear to be a popular choice. In 2009, citing studies that suggest the colour blue has a strong calming effect, Tokyo installed blue LED lights at a number of railway platforms throughout the city. Four years later, the suicide rate had dropped by 74% at these “blue light” stations. The effects that colours have on human emotions have long been studied. However, it seems to be an imprecise science, making many findings difficult to verify and/or understand. Regardless, Tokyo is pleased with the blue light program and will continue to explore this and other solutions in their ongoing effort to reduce suicide rates.

Metal Oxidization

Greyellowhite #42